My Peace I Give To You : Dancing on Injustice
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Multimedia Arts Organization Promoting Life and Healing After Abortion. Producers of the Live Production - The Life Ballet - and 
Arise Sweet Sarah Film and Soundtrack. 

My Peace I Give To You

by Sandy Arena on 01/05/17

Devotion by Ami Gallagher, Associate Producer of Arise Sweet Sarah (

John 14:27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.

Peace. Shalom. Ironically, in the waiting room of the abortion clinic that I went to, there was a small rock next to a fireplace that said “Shalom”. It was after my abortion that I noticed this rock. It was as if it was mocking me. Peace was the furthest thing from my heart that day. In fact, it would be a long time until I found true peace.

It was not until I went to a church service dedicated to aborted children and the efforts of pro-life ministries, I began to receive peace in my heart from the only true source, Jesus. That night at the service, I sat tucked away in the corner as everyone worshiped and prayed, and I allowed myself to cry. I allowed my heart to feel the emotions I had stuffed deep in my soul. I opened my heart to the possibility that maybe, just maybe, Jesus would forgive me and in exchange for my pain, He would give me peace. In an act of bravery, I decided to go to the altar for prayer. As people surrounded me to pray, I felt emotions rush to the surface. The first was shame. How could I have taken the life of my child? The second was anger. How could the people in my life make me feel forced and without a “choice”? The third, strongest of all, was grief. My heart was heavy with grief. It had been for so long. But then, like a tidal wave over me, I felt it! Peace. The tears and sobs that were flowing freely began to subside. It was like a morphine shot to my pain. This peace carried me home that night. I cannot say I always have this peace. It is a continual healing process. I have my triggers and the sorrow comes breaking in like a flood, at times. But I will say this, every time I ask Jesus for His peace, He is faithful.

His peace truly is different from that of the world. It is a peace that goes much deeper than our circumstances and reaches much further than the world’s turmoil. The peace the world offers is based on condition. If you do this activity, take that pill, read through this book, talk to that professional, maybe you can have peace. His peace comes without strings or price-tag. It comes regardless of our circumstances. It comes often times despite our circumstances. The beauty of His peace is that all we have to do is ask for it. He is willing to forgive; willing to comfort; and willing to give us peace beyond understanding.

If you are struggling, swimming through the ocean of grief, read John 14:27 and believe that this peace is available to you.

 Begin your journey to peace today viewing our film of healing after abortion Arise Sweet Sarah.

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