Why We Do What We Do : Dancing on Injustice
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Multimedia Arts Organization Promoting Life and Healing After Abortion. Producers of the Live Production - The Life Ballet - and 
Arise Sweet Sarah Film and Soundtrack. 

Why We Do What We Do

by Sandy Arena on 08/01/14

Written by Ami Preble, Founder/Director Created4Life

Ami is also a Cast Member of The Life Ballet

Why do we do it?

Why spend hours, energy and finances on this cause?

Why even bother when there is such a disregard for life in our culture?


We do it for the babies.

Not just for the ones waiting to be born, but also for the ones already lost.

Every ounce of effort brings our babies lives a purpose.

They were not lost in vain.

Out of the pain and despair, there is this hope….

That as you see me mourn my beloved child, you will desire the baby in the womb.

That if you have already lost a child, you will come out of the secret shame and begin to heal.


We do it for the mothers.

For the ones that are hardened by their choice and have stuffed it down deep in their souls.

For the ones that mourn silently, haunted by what could have been, struggling with regret.

For the ones that are in the midst of decision, wondering how they will deal with an unexpected pregnancy.

For the ones that desire the child but are surrounded by people who don’t.


We do it for the Fathers.

For the ones that weren’t given a choice or a chance to be a father.

For the ones that forced a choice and struggle with deep remorse and guilt.

For the ones hardened by apathy, crippled by fear, and burdened by a culture concerned with inconvenience.


We do it for God.

For a master creator who so lovingly forms the babies into being.

Who whispers to a world,” please accept these as gifts.”

Who aches with a broken heart when even one is rejected and sent back to Him.

Whose heart breaks to see so many wounded hearts, so many impacted by death and lost.


So, if you look upon our faces and see us with weary eyes, and heavy hearts, know this:

We will not stop!

Our resolve is that every child will be given the chance to dance. Every person the opportunity to heal. So that our God will be given the glory, and we can receive His gifts with grateful hearts.



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